Finding a job in a new country can be a real challenge. The people we work with have a huge range of skills and experience to bring to employers in Scotland.
How we help refugees
We believe everyone deserves the opportunity to work to their full potential and to earn a living. Our employability programme runs short training courses to help people overcome the difficulties that they may face in finding employment in Scotland.
Our short training courses provide people with:
- An understanding of the UK job market
- Where to look for work
- Identifying transferable skills
- Creating CVs
- Advice on completing application forms and the application process
- Interview skills and mock interviews
If you would like to start preparing for work, please contact us on 0808 196 7274.
Are you an employer?
We began our project a few years ago working in partnership with a major coffee chain to guide 60 trainees through the process of applying for work. The project was successful in placing several candidates in employment however, with a very diverse pool of potential employees, we are keen to hear from any employer who would like to engage with the project as part of their recruitment programme.
We have a framework to guide and support partner employers in recruiting candidates from a refugee background, allowing you to find the staff you need and helping refugee candidates to effectively show the skills they have to offer. If you are a potential employer who would like to know more please complete the Employer Enquiry Form.
Get in touch
If you have other questions, please contact us at employability@scottishrefugeecouncil.org.uk.
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