Anna Molman is a fantasy, sci-fi, romance and mystery writer from Ukraine.

She arrived in Scotland with her son in May 2022.

Actually, I’m not writing right now, I’m translating my own novels to English. But it’s the same, interesting and exciting. Translating some special phrases, it’s not so easy but it’s quite exciting. I like to do it.

One of my books is self-published on Amazon. The other is not available now but I just sent it to a publishing house and I’m waiting for their response.

I’m not writing something new right now, but I’m collecting all of my experiences of living here for the future, and I hope to create lots of interesting plots and stories after being here.

The war in Ukraine made it difficult for Anna to access the healthcare she needed, so she had to leave.

I have diabetes and there was a problem with insulin in my country when the war started. I also have a son, he is 11 now, and my big fear was that I wouldn’t be able to cover him with my body in time during air attacks.

So as soon as Great Britain – thank you so much – gave us this opportunity, we found a sponsor and came here.

So we live here quiet, cosy and safe. My son is at primary school and he likes the school. Everything is ok, for now. I have an interesting job, helping other Ukrainian refugees to find a job they like. And we are just excited about Scotland. Beautiful country, such pretty views and the climate is absolutely brilliant.

When I say I like the weather, Scottish people are laughing for some reason! I don’t know why. But we like the weather here and the people here, you guys are very friendly and kind and thank you so much for being our hosts.

Anna is a mentee on our Cross Borders mentoring programme.

Her career began in 2019, when she wrote her first novel, Tango of Water and Flame. Now she has 11 novels written in her native language, 19 short stories and 15 fairy tales. Two of her novels and five of her short stories have been translated into English.

Find Anna’s work on Amazon or Google Play.

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