The people we work with have fled horrific situations around the world and come from countries where conflict is rife and human rights abuses common.
When people arrive in Scotland, a new journey begins. The UK’s asylum system is tough and takes its toll on individuals and families. Settling into a foreign country and a whole new system can be disorientating and challenging.
Through our direct services we provide practical support, advice and a listening ear to help people rebuild their lives in a sustainable and meaningful way. We work with communities and community groups. And we speak out against an unjust asylum system and campaign for policy changes that make a positive difference to people’s lives.
Our work to support people rebuilding their lives here unites us with a movement of people across Scotland and beyond who believe in the importance of solidarity with people forced to flee their homes.
We are proud to stand with people seeking protection and proud of the many way Scotland’s refugee communities have enriched our culture and society.
Our vision is for a Scotland in which all people seeking refugee protection are welcome. A place where women, children and men are protected, find safety and support, have their human rights and dignity respected and are able to achieve their full potential.
The New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy sets out how Scotland will support people to build meaningful and sustainable lives here.
Our team is made up of approximately fifty members of staff along with more than 50 volunteers and ambassadors, who give their valuable time to help us in our work, from advising new refugees, providing advice to helping us raise funds.