

News, Stories
A decade of the Scottish Guardianship Service: Zayn’s story

“My favourite Scottish word is daftie. I use it a lot.” 19-year old Zayn loves…

News, Stories, Uncategorized
A decade of the Scottish Guardianship Service: Hai’s story

“Learning to drive. That was my fostermum’s dream for me. I was a bit scared….

News, Stories
A decade of the Scottish Guardianship Service: Tati’s story

“They used to call me Tattie Scone at school. I didn’t even know that was…

News, Stories
A decade of the Scottish Guardianship Service: Lyne’s story

“I’ve just been accepted to do a PhD in Ultrasonic Engineering at Glasgow University,” says…

News, Stories
A decade of the Scottish Guardianship Service: Shireen’s story

“I like Irn Bru. It’s the best drink in Scotland. It tastes like medicine. When…

News, Stories
A decade of the Scottish Guardianship Service: Yusra’s story

In 2011, a 15-year-old Yusra came to the Scottish Guardianship Service not knowing what the…

News, Stories
A decade of the Scottish Guardianship Service: Fartun’s story

Fartun was one of the first young people to come through the doors of our…

Reacting to Covid-19: “I will work until this pandemic is over”

Re-Act (Refugee Action Scotland) is a volunteer-run charity that started in 2015 in response to…

COVID-19: research finds loneliness a key concern for refugees in Scotland

People seeking refugee protection in Scotland are experiencing increased levels of loneliness, stress and anxiety…

Vote for us in Scottish Charity Awards

We are delighted to be a finalist in the Scottish Charity Awards for our Right…

In memory of Mercy Baguma

We are deeply saddened to learn that Mercy Baguma has passed away in Glasgow. Our…

St Aloysius ESOL group

St Aloysius Church is a Catholic Church in Glasgow city centre. Before lockdown, as many…

Scottish Refugee Council calls for full and independent public inquiry into Park Inn tragedy

Following the Park Inn incident in June, the Home Office announced an evaluation of how…

Channel crossings: our response to this week’s news coverage

Our response to this week’s news coverage and political scapegoating of people crossing the Channel…

Supporting Communities Fund: Covid19 Response

Supporting Communities Fund: Covid19 Response The Covid-19 pandemic has affected the lives of everyone in…

Scotland’s ambition to end destitution and protect human rights

Support the campaign to leave homelessness and rough sleeping behind us, and get #EveryoneHome. Today,…
