“I’ve never experienced anything like that before and I enjoyed it more than anything I’ve…
“It was so good, it was like a film. I said to them I cannot…
“We’ve won a couple of times. But unfortunately, we didn’t win any cups. No trophies…
“My favourite Scottish word is daftie. I use it a lot.” 19-year old Zayn loves…
“Learning to drive. That was my fostermum’s dream for me. I was a bit scared….
“They used to call me Tattie Scone at school. I didn’t even know that was…
“I’ve just been accepted to do a PhD in Ultrasonic Engineering at Glasgow University,” says…
“I like Irn Bru. It’s the best drink in Scotland. It tastes like medicine. When…
In 2011, a 15-year-old Yusra came to the Scottish Guardianship Service not knowing what the…
Fartun was one of the first young people to come through the doors of our…
Join us for a masterclass with the makers of Revenir, David Fedele and Kumut Imesh….
Our media officer Chris is a former volunteer and trustee of Refugee Info Bus, an…
Every Thursday at 8pm we step outside our doors and #ClapForOurCarers to show our heartfelt…
The reality of Covid-19 for families in the asylum system stuck at home without food…
Our volunteer Rowan writes about the work of our integration team with housing association Glen…
Mossvale Church is a busy community hub in Paisley. Every Wednesday morning the church’s café,…