

News, Stories
A decade of the Scottish Guardianship Service: Dlovan’s story

“I’ve never experienced anything like that before and I enjoyed it more than anything I’ve…

News, Stories
A decade of the Scottish Guardianship Service: Pshtewan’s story

“It was so good, it was like a film. I said to them I cannot…

News, Stories
A decade of the Scottish Guardianship Service: Mahad’s story

“We’ve won a couple of times. But unfortunately, we didn’t win any cups. No trophies…

News, Stories
A decade of the Scottish Guardianship Service: Zayn’s story

“My favourite Scottish word is daftie. I use it a lot.” 19-year old Zayn loves…

News, Stories, Uncategorized
A decade of the Scottish Guardianship Service: Hai’s story

“Learning to drive. That was my fostermum’s dream for me. I was a bit scared….

News, Stories
A decade of the Scottish Guardianship Service: Tati’s story

“They used to call me Tattie Scone at school. I didn’t even know that was…

News, Stories
A decade of the Scottish Guardianship Service: Lyne’s story

“I’ve just been accepted to do a PhD in Ultrasonic Engineering at Glasgow University,” says…

News, Stories
A decade of the Scottish Guardianship Service: Shireen’s story

“I like Irn Bru. It’s the best drink in Scotland. It tastes like medicine. When…

News, Stories
A decade of the Scottish Guardianship Service: Yusra’s story

In 2011, a 15-year-old Yusra came to the Scottish Guardianship Service not knowing what the…

News, Stories
A decade of the Scottish Guardianship Service: Fartun’s story

Fartun was one of the first young people to come through the doors of our…

Revenir | masterclass with David Fedele & Kumut Imesh | 29th Aug 2020

Join us for a masterclass with the makers of Revenir, David Fedele and Kumut Imesh….

Channel crossings: more safe and legal routes required urgently.

Our media officer Chris is a former volunteer and trustee of Refugee Info Bus, an…

New Scots on the frontline

Every Thursday at 8pm we step outside our doors and #ClapForOurCarers to show our heartfelt…

Families stuck at home without food and internet

The reality of Covid-19 for families in the asylum system stuck at home without food…

How housing associations are supporting integration in Scottish communities

Our volunteer Rowan writes about the work of our integration team with housing association Glen…

Community links and friendship in Paisley

Mossvale Church is a busy community hub in Paisley. Every Wednesday morning the church’s café,…
