If yes, let’s talk! Our Volunteer Development Team can support you by answering any questions you may have about refugees’ rights to volunteer in the UK, disclosures and references.
Recruit volunteers face-to-face at our monthly
Volunteering Information Afternoons:
Next meeting: Friday 28 March 2025, 2-4pm
Scottish Refugee council, Portland House Floor 6, 17 Renfield Street, Glasgow G2 5AH
To express interest in joining these sessions or to find out more, contact us at volunteering@scottishrefugeecouncil.org.uk
These informal sessions take place on the last Thursday of each month at our Glasgow city centre offices and aim to offer volunteer applicants an opportunity to meet organisations in a supportive setting. If you are recruiting volunteers, and you would like to introduce your opportunities face-to-face to refugee applicants, please talk to us, and come along to one of our monthly Volunteering Information Afternoons.
Read our top ten tips for involving refugee volunteers:
This guidance was prepared as part of our work with the National Strategic Inclusion in Volunteering Group chaired by Volunteer Scotland.
Want to talk more?
Get in touch by emailing us at volunteering@scottishrefugeecouncil.org.uk.