People in Scotland continue to face a chronic shortage of suitable housing, with Glasgow and Edinburgh City Councils admitting that we are now in the grip of a housing emergency.

Our advice teams are working flat-out to make sure no one is left out in the cold. But often the only accommodation available is temporary and very short term. We are desperate to find people safe, appropriate and long-term housing which provides a sense of security and a solid foundation for the future.

Too many people are surviving night-to-night, week-to-week, relying on informal support networks and the goodness of community groups, mosques and churches.

We are calling on the Scottish Government to immediately prioritise this crisis by allocating the necessary emergency funds in the upcoming Scottish budget to be announced on 19 December and doing whatever it takes to resolve the housing emergency, for everyone in Scotland, for the long term.

If you are worried about your housing options and need advice, call our free helpline 0808 1967 274

If you are able to, please consider supporting our work

Pauline D
Author: Pauline D