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News, Stories
Empowering Practitioners: Meet Our New Training Officer

Meet Susi, our new Training and Development Officer! She will be delivering our training programme…

News, Stories
Join us to celebrate Aref Ghorbani’s new EP No More Shadows

Join us for a live performance and Q+A to celebrate the debut EP  دیگر سایه…

Rwanda ruling: Supreme Court rules against UK government

We welcome the news that the Supreme Court has declared the removal of people to…

Campaigns and appeals, News
Hopes increase for free bus travel for people seeking asylum

The campaign for free bus travel in Scotland for people seeking asylum is a step…

Hotels are no place for children to live – calls to stop housing families and children in hotel rooms

The Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland has called for an end to the use…

Campaigns and appeals, News
Human rights and asylum in Scotland – government must act on findings in new report

We welcome the powerful findings in the Human Rights of Asylum Seekers in Scotland report…

A helping hand for families

The asylum process is tough for anyone, but it can be especially challenging for families….

Supporting people in crisis

The asylum system is tough and people seeking refugee protection sometimes fall through the cracks….

Our statement on the humanitarian crisis in Gaza

We are horrified by the desperate humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the targeting of innocent…

Our Impact
Standing up for refugee rights

We’re determined to make life better for people seeking safety in Scotland. Here’s how we’re…

Our Impact, Stories
Reaching more people across Scotland

As Scotland’s national refugee charity, we’re committed to helping people in every part of the…

Our Impact, Stories
Helping refugees rebuild their lives

Every year, we help hundreds of people who have been granted refugee status rebuild their…

Our Impact, Stories
Helping New Scots Succeed

When people in need of refugee protection reach Scotland, a new and difficult journey begins. We…

News, Our Impact
Nothing about refugees without refugees

People with lived experience of the refugee and asylum system have a crucial role to…

Our Impact, Stories
Helping refugees find work in Scotland

Looking for a job in a new country can be a real challenge. We provide…

Our Impact, Stories
Volunteering is a lifeline for people in the asylum system

Volunteering can be a lifeline for people trapped in the asylum system who are prevented…
