Today, Scottish Refugee Council are launching our new strategic plan for 2020-2023.

This plan sets out our vision for Scotland as a place where all people seeking refugee protection are welcome, have their rights and dignity respected and are able to achieve their full potential as they rebuild their lives here.

To help us define our priorities for the next three years, we spoke to refugee community organisations and community leaders across Scotland, as well as funders, policy-makers and other refugee sector charities.

People told us that what we have been doing over recent years is important, ambitious and must continue. But there are some parts of our work where we will increase emphasis over the next 3 years:

  • We will grow our role to support refugees and communities across Scotland and outwith Glasgow, based on learning from recent projects.
  • We will increase the engagement of refugees in our work, including in leadership and governance roles, to ensure refugee experience is at the heart of everything we do.
  • We will seek to build deeper partnerships with the private sector so that refugees have access to the labour market, are able to start businesses and use their skills to thrive in their new homes.
  • We will focus on building the well-being of our people (staff and volunteers) especially promoting equality and diversity, and ensure our values are lived in all our work internally and externally.
  • We will listen and make space to learn from refugees, our own experience, our partners and funders so we can continue to improve what we do and how we do it.

We live in increasingly uncertain times and there will be many challenges and uncertainties for people seeking protection in Scotland over the next three years. At Scottish Refugee Council we undertake to meet these challenges with resilience, courage, creativity and compassion.

Read our full Strategic Plan for 2020-23.


Image: Stewart M, Unsplash.

Laura Delaney
Author: Laura Delaney