Glasgow Disability Alliance (GDA) is an organisation run by disabled people, for disabled people. We are led by over 5,500 disabled members and work to promote equality, rights, and social justice. We are the largest group of disabled members in Europe and a leading example of how a grassroots community can improve the lives of disabled people, while also helping to change policies, services, and society.
Our vision is a world where disabled people can fully participate and live their own lives with their human rights respected. We aim for disabled people to connect with others, access opportunities, and contribute to their families, communities, and society equally, alongside non-disabled people.
Our mission is to promote equality, rights, and social justice for disabled people. We do this through programmes that build the confidence, connections, and abilities of disabled people. We also provide information and advice, employability support, and peer support, including specific peer support groups for people from BAME backgrounds and the LGBT community.