Glasgow Disability Alliance

    • Leap

    LEAP Sports Scotland

    • wosdec logo

    West of Scotland Development Education Centre

    • WEA logo

    Workers’ Educational Association (WEA Glasgow)

    • Volunteer Glasgow

    Volunteer Glasgow

    • The unity Centre

    Unity Centre

    • th

    The Language Hub

    • lo

    STAR Conversation Club

    • Cross

    St Rollox Community Outreach Project

    • Justice and Peace Scotland

    St Aloysius ESOL Classes

    • SE

    South East Integration Network

    • SB

    Social Bite

    • SRTR

    Show Racism the Red Card (Scotland)

    • SEMDC

    Scottish Ethnic Minority Deaf Club

    • SDV

    Scottish Detainee Visitors

    • Scottish Asylum Seekers Residents Association

    Scottish Asylum Seekers Residents Association