• New Scots Edinburgh Steering Group

    New Scots Edinburgh Steering Group

    • Multi Cultural Family Base MCFB

    Multi-Cultural Family Base (MCFB)

    • Mayfield and Easthouses Development Trust

    Mayfield and Easthouses Development Trust

    • LINKnet Mentoring

    LINKnet Mentoring

    • KWISA Kenyan Women in Scotland Association

    KWISA (Kenyan Women in Scotland Association)

    • Home Start UK Scotland

    Home-Start UK Scotland

    • Falkirk Trinity Church

    Falkirk Trinity Church

    • Edinburgh Remakery

    Edinburgh Remakery

    • Edinburgh College Community Based ESOL

    Edinburgh College – Community-based ESOL

    • Cyrenians Flavour Haver Cook School

    Cyrenians Flavour & Haver Cook School

    • Strath and Sleat Church of Scotland

    Strath & Sleat Church of Scotland

    • Rainbow Development Association

    Rainbow Development Association

    • PKAVS Minority Communities Hub

    PKAVS Minority Communities Hub

    • JOM Charity

    JOM Charity

    • Isaro Social Integration Network

    Isaro Community Initiative

    • Inverness Masjid

    Inverness Masjid