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  • Laura Delaney


Scotland and the Borders Bill: a call from the children’s rights sector

We’ve joined forces with organisations from across the sector to call for the Scottish Government...

Not in our name: a joint statement on the Borders Bill

In Scotland we have a proud history of protest, of raising our voices against the...

What the anti-refugee bill means for survivors of trafficking?

The UK Government’s Nationality & Borders Bill, the anti-refugee bill, will have a serious impact...

Clydebank school kids show some love for refugees

Modern Studies pupils at Clydebank High School share a heartfelt message of friendship and support...

Asylum support to increase by just 17p per day amid cost of living crisis

The Home Office has announced a £1:22 increase to weekly asylum support, bringing the total...

Reflecting on 2021

As the new year begins, our Chief Executive, Sabir Zazai, looks back at 2021 and...

New FOIs reveals chronic slowness of the UK’s asylum system

We recently sent three freedom of information (FOI) requests to the Home Office, two on...

Helping 200 refugee families to rebuild their lives in Scotland

Our Family Rights Service provides parents and children with guidance and support at every step...

The Anti-Refugee Bill – what comes next?

News that MPs have voted to pass the UK Government’s Anti-Refugee Bill is deeply disappointing....

What could the Anti-Refugee Bill mean for devolution?

Scottish Refugee Council (SRC) and Just Right Scotland (JRS), commissioned an expert legal opinion on...