Speak with a Refugee Integration Adviser

Who is this support for?

Our Refugee Integration Advisers help people with all aspects of building a new life in Scotland. We support people who have recently received refugee status, humanitarian protection or discretionary leave to remain.

How we can help

We provide expert information, advice and ongoing support to help people with everything from housing and money issues to learning English, finding work and making new friends.  

We can help with:

  • Understanding your rights and entitlements
  • Housing and healthcare
  • Benefits, banking and financial support
  • Questions about education
  • Enrolling for English language classes
  • Training, information and advice to help people find work
  • Advice about travel documents and biometric residence permits (BRP)
  • Making social connections 

Contact us

If you need support with these issues, please call our free helpline on 0808 1967 274 to ask for an appointment with a refugee integration adviser. Please ask for an interpreter if you need one. We receive a high volume of calls and you may be placed in a queue before speaking with an advisor. 

If you work for an organisation that supports refugees or people seeking asylum, you can also contact us by email at refugeesupport@scottishrefugeecouncil.org.uk. We aim to respond to email inquiries within three working days. 

Sara and Miriam fled Syria when a bomb destroyed their home. Our Refugee Support Service is helping them rebuild their lives in Scotland.