

Refugee Support Service, Stories
Azade’s story: support for families seeking safety

When 21-year-old Azade became pregnant, she and her husband Rebin, were being kept apart by…

News, Our Impact, Services, Stories
Helping refugee families have fun

Our family-friendly activities help children seeking safety in Scotland to play, learn, make friends and…

Our Impact
Our Family Rights Service

The asylum process is tough for anyone, but it can be especially challenging for families….

News, Services
Helping 200 refugee families to rebuild their lives in Scotland

Our Family Rights Service provides parents and children with guidance and support at every step…

Our Impact, Services, Stories
A mother’s story: building a new life in Scotland

The asylum process can be scary, stressful and confusing – especially if you’re a single…

Partners in Change: a new approach to supporting refugee families

We’re delighted to have been awarded £450,000 for a new pilot project to help 200…

News, Our Impact, Services
Lockdown life: Helping families to find their feet

Adjusting to life in a new country is never easy – especially for families fleeing…

News, Services
Lockdown life: supporting families seeking safety

Asylum-seeking families have always faced an uphill struggle but lockdown is making life even harder….
