

“The beautiful game” bringing communities together

On Sunday 8th August, 24 teams will take place in the annual Refugee Festival Football…

News, Stories
AMBER: Reflections on the UN Refugee Convention

On 28 July 1951, the UK Government signed the UN Refugee Convention, promising to defend…

News, Services, Stories
Building a better future

These brave young people arrived in Scotland as frightened children seeking safety. Now, with the…

Changing and growing: Pachedu adapts to the pandemic

We caught up with Gregor from Pachedu, a small charity supporting people who are minoritised…

Mohammed’s story

We met with Mohammed ahead of Refugee Festival Scotland 2021. Mohammed volunteers with the Yemeni-Scottish…

News, Stories
The Museum of Things

The Museum of Things is a creative space led by refugee artists. The group –…

Razieh’s story

Artist Razieh is a member of Sewing2gether All Nations, who are holding an event on…

Hussam’s story

We have been working with partners at Public Health Scotland to create accurate and accessible…

Behind the design

It would be hard not to notice our vibrant visuals for Refugee Festival Scotland which…

Highlighting the Highlands

Syrians resettled in the Highlands will be presenting their photography at an online event on…

“Carrying on through Covid”: my experience as a host family carer.

The Host Family Supported Carer Service are looking for people who can offer a place…

One big family: Sewing2gether in lockdown

We met with Gabi, Corinne and some of the ladies who are part of the…

MOOL looking for volunteer researchers: refugees in Scottish history

Our friends at Massive Outpouring of Love (MOOL), a community group supporting new Scots in…

Nowruz Mubarak! Persian-Scots celebrate the new year in lockdown.

Saadi (1210-1291): “Awaken, the morning Nowruz breeze is showering the garden with flowers.” Nowruz Mubarak…

New Scots in Paisley for a radical new future!

We met with Imogen Stirling, Writer in Residence at Paisley Book Festival in February 2021….

News, Stories
A decade of the Scottish Guardianship Service: Meyman’s story

“This is the team I support. Celtic. Edouard. I just came to know them here….
