Help for destitute asylum seekers

 Who is this service for?

Many people experience extreme poverty and homelessness while seeking refugee protection in the UK. We provide practical advice and support for destitute people who have had an asylum claim rejected and have No Recourse to Public Funds.

How we can help

Our expert advisers help people understand their rights and entitlements and support them to cope through very difficult circumstances.

We can help with:

  • Applications for emergency financial support
  • Accessing and understanding health services 
  • Linking people with lawyers and supporting them to submit a fresh asylum claim
  • Making social connections
  • Accessing foodbanks and community support groups
  • linking people with charities offering hot food, clothing and homelessness support
  • Helping people to make informed decisions about their future

Contact us

If you need support with these issues, please call our free helpline on 0808 1967 274 to ask for an appointment with a destitution adviser. Please ask for an interpreter if you need one. We receive a high volume of calls and you may be placed in a queue before speaking with an advisor. 

If you work for an organisation that supports refugees or people seeking asylum, you can also contact us by email at We aim to respond to email inquiries within three working days. 

When Hamid contacted our Refugee Support Service he was sleeping in a friend's car and had no money for food. We helped get him off the streets.