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  • Laura Delaney


How to ask your MP to vote against the Anti-Refugee Bill

The UK Government’s Nationality & Borders Bill is currently going through parliament and is the...

Our response to the tragic loss of life in the Channel

We are devastated by the latest deaths in the Channel. Our thoughts are with the...

Asylum decision making – what needs to change?

Last week, the Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration published its latest report on Home...

The Anti-Refugee Bill – an expert legal opinion

Scottish Refugee Council (SRC) and JustRight Scotland (JRS), commissioned an expert legal opinion on the...

New polling shows Scotland welcomes refugees

As the anti-refugee bill progresses through Westminster, we asked people in Scotland for their views...

Our response to devastating figures on loss of life in the asylum system

The thoughts of everyone at Scottish Refugee Council are with the family, friends, colleagues, neighbourhoods...

Frankie Boyle among signatories to letter to Westminster urging rethink on refugee rights

Comedian Frankie Boyle is among over 40 celebrity signatories to an open letter to Boris...

‘How will we survive?’ steps to preventing destitution in the asylum system

British Red Cross and the Refugee Survival Trust have published a new report centred on...

Our response to the Home Office’s new guidance on Afghanistan

The UK Government has published updated country policy and information notes (CPIN) on Afghanistan. These...

You’re invited to Scotland: Together with Refugees

Join us today for a public gathering in support of people seeking refugee protection. Our...