Destitution IStock c.Kuzma article
Asylum seekers continue to face destitution in Glasgow

Scottish ministers today accepted all twenty recommendations put forward by the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Action Group. These recommendations, when implemented together, will go a substantial way to help end rough sleeping in Scotland.

The rapid rehousing policy includes a commitment to ‘housing first’ for people with the most complex needs.

Sabir Zazai, Chief Executive of Scottish Refugee Council said:

“We very much welcome today’s announcement. Many of the people we work with experience periods of homelessness, including families. This can happen for a number of reasons but time after time we see poor decision-making around asylum claims and bureaucratic delays resulting in people becoming destitute and forced to sleep rough.

“The impact of even a brief period of homelessness can be devastating for people who have already been forced to flee their homes due to war or terrorist violence. Homelessness is disruptive, potentially psychologically traumatising and puts people at risk of experiencing further violence or exploitation.

“The decision by Scottish ministers today to adopt all the recommendations in the Action Plan shows that ministers have listened those on the sharp end of homelessness along with the evidence submitted by the many experts working across Scotland to bring an end to rough sleeping. It is a most welcome and positive step towards making sure that everyone in Scotland, no matter what their immigration status, has the right to shelter.” 

Read the full report on the Action Group’s recommendations to end Rough Sleeping on the Scottish Government website:

Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew