
Campaigns and appeals

Campaigns and appeals
Join our creative community!

We’re bringing together creative people from the refugee community. If you have a background in creative arts, join us!

Campaigns and appeals
Meet our new communications people

Rachel and Laura are the new members of our media and communications team – find out more about them

Campaigns and appeals
Democracy must have its day

The right to choose how we are governed is something we often take for granted – but not everyone enjoys this right

Campaigns and appeals
No country that you can call your own

Can you imagine being a citizen of nowhere? That’s the reality for Europe’s 600,000 stateless people, forced to live in perilous limbo

Campaigns and appeals
New Scots and the independence debate

The referendum affects everyone in Scotland. We look back on an exciting project to encourage participation in the debate

Campaigns and appeals
It’s good to talk – and even better to listen

Our Refugee Speaker Programme builds bridges of understanding and empathy between refugees and Scottish people

Campaigns and appeals
Peer education project lifts off

A new project at Scottish Refugee Council sees refugees sharing their unique skills and experiences to help others access vital service

Campaigns and appeals
What’s in a word? Somebody’s future

Words used in a way that denies people’s humanity can leave mental scars, and they can also influence how our society works

Campaigns and appeals
How can we help fleeing Syrians?

An event today explores the plight of Syrian refugees – and we look at what Scotland can do to help provide a safe haven

Campaigns and appeals
Urgent appeal to the Home Office for decent asylum assistance

We would like Scottish hospitality and warmth to be reflected in support rates provided to asylum seekers who are destitute

Campaigns and appeals
Celebrate the legacy of Nelson Mandela

Tomorrow is Mandela Day and we hope you will join us in celebrating and honour the legacy of our former patron

Campaigns and appeals
Why I ran for refugees

Caitlin MacMillan tells about her experience of running up Arthur’s Seat for refugees – and why you should join our #RunforRefugees

Campaigns and appeals
What a week of welcome!

This year for Refugee Week Scotland we celebrated and shared welcome – in all its wonderful forms. Suzi Simpson sums up the spectacle!

Campaigns and appeals
My Refugee Week Scotland 2014

Did you meet our volunteer Jack Tannock at the Welcome Tent or at the World Refugee Day Concert? He takes a look back at his week

Campaigns and appeals
Welcome to Welcome!

Refugee Week Scotland 2014 has kicked off! Suzi Simpson and Scottish Refugee Council invites you all to join the more than 130 events.

Campaigns and appeals
Lost Life

Iman Tajik blogs about ‘Lost Life’ – his Refugee Week Scotland exhibition of powerful portraits of refugees now living in Glasgow
