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With our current strategic plan coming to an end next year, we are looking for feedback from our stakeholders on our performance over the last few years and what they would like to see us prioritise over the next three years.

Over the period of our current strategic plan (2017-2020) our priorities have been to challenge and improve public attitudes; share our expertise with organisations in Scotland working with refugees; improve our effectiveness, efficiency, and value for money; support refugees to access their rights; and advocate for rights, and fair legislation and policies.

In developing our priorities for 2020-2023 we will again take account of the external context in which we operate, will assess the challenges and opportunities, and listen to the views of people with a vested interest in what we do.

Scottish Refugee Council Chief Executive Sabir Zazai, said: “We continue to play a crucial role in facilitating the integration of refugee communities in Scotland, and have worked to nurture a culture of welcome, from local neighbourhoods to newspaper editors, to government policy-makers. We wouldn’t have been able to achieve this without the goodwill and generosity of the people of Scotland and our partners. We are now looking at how we meet the challenges over the next three years and our stakeholders play a key part in helping us develop this.”

Give us your views here.

A note from our Chief Executive

Dear Friends

I am proud of the warm welcome and hospitality people of Scotland have extended to refugees over generations. This long-standing tradition of offering people sanctuary and protection adds to Scotland’s global image as a welcoming nation and contributes so much to the richness of our society. It is a privilege for me to be at the heart of this welcome and an honour to lead on what we do at Scottish Refugee Council to improve the protection, welfare and integration of refugees in Scotland.

We exist to help people with the support they need to access their rights and we are immensely proud of what we have achieved since we started working with Vietnamese refugees back in 1985. Over the years, we have worked with a range of organisations to provide support and advice to thousands of people who now call Scotland their home. What we do at Scottish Refugee Council has played a crucial role in facilitating the integration of refugee communities in Scotland and in building a culture of welcome, from local neighbourhoods to newspaper editors, to government policy-makers.

We wouldn’t have been able to achieve this without the goodwill and generosity of the people of Scotland and partners such as yourselves.

We live in times of unpredictable change and are operating in a financially and politically challenging environment.  Scottish Refugee Council wants to work with everyone in Scotland and across the UK as effectively as possible to position ourselves to meet the future needs of refugees.

We are now in the final year of our current strategic plan. The Board of Trustees at Scottish Refugee Council has initiated a process of strategic planning to develop a new plan for the period 2020-2023.

Your input in this process would be invaluable and it would help us greatly if you could please give your opinion through our survey.

I would very much appreciate if you could spare some of your valuable time to respond to the above questions.

Kind regards,



Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew