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Campaigns and appeals
Fundraiser Q&A: Lindsay

Next up in our fundraiser Q&A series is Lindsay Robertson who has organised a fashion show and pop up shop for this Saturday!

Campaigns and appeals
Lest We Forget: refugees remember WW1

Exploring the history of Belgian refugees in Scotland during WW1

Campaigns and appeals
Fundraiser Q&A: Ross

This week’s fundraiser Q&A is with Ross, one of the organisers of The Great Cameo Bake-Off event in Edinburgh

Campaigns and appeals
‘Getting tough’ on refugees creates hostile environment for us all

Challenge Poverty Week | Our housing officer Jamie highlights challenges faced by refugees and asylum seekers in Scotland

Campaigns and appeals
Black History Month – What’s on in Glasgow?

Here are some highlights of some great events happening in Glasgow as part of Black History Month this October.

Campaigns and appeals
You can tell the story – join our new heritage learning project

If you are a refugee, asylum seeker or a local Scot from a community which has hosted refugees, join our new heritage learning project

Campaigns and appeals
Your fundraising for refugees

People all over Scotland are coming up with creative ways to fundraise to support our work with refugees. And we just had to share some

Campaigns and appeals
Vigils show Scotland’s support for refugees

Across Scotland people came out in their thousands to show solidarity and support for people forced to flee their homes

Campaigns and appeals
Meeting refugees in Kos

“I went to Kos to ask myself this: how do we care, when we think we cannot?” writes C L Bell in this guest blog post

Campaigns and appeals
Your help makes all the difference

Scottish Refugee Council would like to thank our supporters for their generosity and kindness in response to the refugee crisis

Campaigns and appeals
Refugee crisis: How you can help

In recent days, particularly in response to tragic scenes from the Med, so many of you are coming forward with offers of help

Campaigns and appeals
Calais needs responsible actions not provocative words

The solution to the humanitarian crisis in the Mediterranean that ends up in Calais lies in calm leadership not provocative words

Campaigns and appeals
Refugee Festival Scotland 2015

A HUGE thank you to everyone who got involved in Refugee Festival Scotland. We’d love you to tell us your highlights from festival.

Campaigns and appeals
Insights into Integration

New report highlights integration challenges faced by refugees rebuilding their lives in Scotland

Campaigns and appeals
Newspeak and doublethink from James Brokenshire

Immigration minister’s deeply damaging ‘estimates’

Campaigns and appeals
UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

Torture is one of the main reasons why so many people flee their country of origin to seek safety elsewhere.
