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Campaigns and appeals
Whose Story? at Glasgow Film Theatre with filmmaker Chris Leslie and Making it Home

This Refugee Week Scotland events celebrates similarities with film and poetry, writes volunteer blogger Zara

Campaigns and appeals
Creating a stronger community at the Maryhill Integration Network Garden Launch

Refugee Week Scotland volunteer Morgan blogs on the colourful celebration and community feeling at MIN

Campaigns and appeals
Refugee Week Scotland 2013: Glasgow’s Housing Heritage

Refugee Week Scotland sponser GHA explore refugees relationship with Glasgow’s housing with several events

Campaigns and appeals
Come along to the Refugee Week Scotland Bloggers Event

Blogger, serial tweeter or Instagramer? You’re invited to our very first bloggers event

Campaigns and appeals
Refugee Week Scotland 2013: GFT Pop-Up Programmers

Pop-Up programmer Catriona explains why sci-fi and Japanese anime are perfect movie choices for Refugee Week Scotland

Campaigns and appeals
UK councils follow Glasgow’s call to end refugee destitution

Volunteer blogger Martin explains how Glasgow City Council set the dominos in motion in support of the Still Human, Still Here campaign

Campaigns and appeals
Why I Volunteer at Scottish Refugee Council

Our volunteer Simon explain it’s not always about ‘what’ you do as a volunteer, but ‘why’ you do it

Campaigns and appeals
Refugee Week Scotland 2013: My Friend Selma

Artistic director Victoria Beesley blogs about how a special childhood friendship is the basis for her new production

Campaigns and appeals
Voluntary Arts Week 2013: ‘Arts and crafts are a shared language’

Jemma from Voluntary Arts Scotland shares why you should be a part of Voluntary Arts Week

Campaigns and appeals
‘I’m glad I did it’: Why our donors use Giveacar

Our generous donors choose Giveacar, a scheme that raises cash for charities through scrapping old cars

Campaigns and appeals
Get your school involved with Simple Acts for Refugee Week Scotland 2013!

Schools across Scotland can take part in Simple Acts to learn more about the heritage and refugees

Campaigns and appeals
Refugee Week Scotland 2013: Grit

Ross from Tortoise in a Nutshell shares the origins of the visual puppetry piece Grit

Campaigns and appeals
Kick off with United Glasgow FC

As it secures new Big Lottery funding, volunteer Martin is inspired by the community football project United Glasgow

Campaigns and appeals
Some Other Mother: The Journey So Far

Writer AJ Taudevin on what inspired her new play for Refugee Week Scotland 2013

Campaigns and appeals
BBC Newsnight on destitution – a faultless report?

Volunteer blogger Martin reflects on BBC Newsnight’s piece on asylum seeker destitution
