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Campaigns and appeals
Diverse perspectives, speakers and workshops about refugee women

Our conference on 3 November focuses on refugee women and offers a variety of interesting workshops.

Campaigns and appeals
Listen again to Radio Kilimanjaro’s advice show

Our advice worker Esther Muchena talks about common questions around the asylum process

Campaigns and appeals
A little film with big appeal – Courage celebrates the Refugee Convention on a global scale

Four months on Courage continues to celebrate the live-saving Refugee Convention

Campaigns and appeals
Celebrating the contributions of Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) men and women in Scotland

Black history month celebrates contributions made by BME people in Scotland and the world.

Campaigns and appeals
A Dialogue of dignity

Attend GCIN’s Dialogue for Destitution event on 22 Oct & join the conversation about the destitution that asyum seekers face.

Campaigns and appeals
A Dialogue of Dignity

Attend GCIN’s Dialogue for Destitution event on 22 Oct & join the conversation about the destitution that asyum seekers face.

Campaigns and appeals
We’re on the airwaves with Radio Kilimanjaro

Tune in to hear about refugee issues and get advice via our broadcasts on Radio Kilimanjaro

Campaigns and appeals
‘Are we not human beings, we asylum seekers?’

One man pens an open letter calling for human rights and global action to end the need for people to flee

Campaigns and appeals
Help Jethro get his Song of Glasgow off the ground!

Singer-songwriter Jethro Kinavuidi tells how his new album was inspired by being welcomed to Glasgow

Campaigns and appeals
Refugee women working together to bring about real change

Meet our new women’s Community Development Worker, find out about her work with RWSG and her upcoming radio stint

Campaigns and appeals
Highlighting issues and improving policy to better the lives of refugees

Academics and policy-makers attend the Metropolis Conference to discuss migration policy and change

Campaigns and appeals
Meet our talented new Volunteer Blog Coordinator, Alieu Cissay!

Alieu gives his initial impressions and shares what he’ll be doing for Scottish Refugee Council.

Campaigns and appeals
Support a Scotland that builds strong, united communities and celebrates diversity – vote for us!

We’ve applied to RBS’s Community Force Programme for a grant of £6000 but need your votes to win!

Campaigns and appeals
Endeavouring to create a fairer and more humane asylum system together

John provides insight into the Home Affairs Select Committee Seminar on Asylum and Migration he recently attended in London.

Campaigns and appeals
Join us in raising Refugee women’s voices at our autumn conference on 3 November

Our Training and Events Officer keeps you up-to-date on the latest development on our upcoming autumn conference.

Campaigns and appeals
Why I volunteer with Scottish Refugee Council

Vickie reflects on her time with Scottish Refugee Council and why it’s been such a great experience.
