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  • Chris Afuakwah


Park Inn: one year on

One year on since the Park Inn tragedy, and still people are being housed in...

Mohammed’s story

We met with Mohammed ahead of Refugee Festival Scotland 2021. Mohammed volunteers with the Yemeni-Scottish...

Razieh’s story

Artist Razieh is a member of Sewing2gether All Nations, who are holding an event on...

Hussam’s story

We have been working with partners at Public Health Scotland to create accurate and accessible...

Highlighting the Highlands

Syrians resettled in the Highlands will be presenting their photography at an online event on...

“Carrying on through Covid”: my experience as a host family carer.

The Host Family Supported Carer Service are looking for people who can offer a place...

New Scots prepare to vote next Thursday!

With just one week to go until the elections, people with refugee status in Scotland...

New Scots prepare to vote in May elections

With voting registration now closed, people with refugee status in Scotland are preparing to cast...

One big family: Sewing2gether in lockdown

We met with Gabi, Corinne and some of the ladies who are part of the...

MOOL looking for volunteer researchers: refugees in Scottish history

Our friends at Massive Outpouring of Love (MOOL), a community group supporting new Scots in...