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  • Chris Afuakwah


The Lightless Sky

Author and activist Gulwali Passarlay visited our office this morning, bringing copies of his memoir...

“Democracy is a wonderful thing”

Today is the final day for people to register to vote. This General Election, we...

Who can vote in the General Election?

On Thursday 12 December 2019, there will be a General Election across the whole of...

Know your rights: lock-change evictions

Know your rights in the event of a lock-change eviction. Download our flyers in English, Kurdish...

Court finds that Serco lock-change evictions are lawful

Today, the Court of Session returned their verdict in the case of Ali vs Serco...

Q&A: lock-change evictions verdict

An updated Q&A on today’s Court of Session verdict. Please contact our helpline on 0141...

Extending voting rights in Scotland

A report published today reflects our work to extend voting rights in Scotland to refugees...

Rahmat’s story

Rahmat arrived in Scotland in 2016 with his wife and children. Shortly after receiving refugee...

Scottish Refugee Council are calling for a radical new approach to refugee protection in the UK

Ahead of the General Election, we are calling on all political parties and candidates to...

Sabir Zazai: “If I were to flee again…”

Our CEO Sabir Zazai was recently asked, “what would you take with you if you...