This Friday Scottish Refugee Council will hold its second Annual General Meeting. Yes, you read that right. Second.

It’s not that we are a greedy bunch that wants an AGM twice a year. It’s for a really practical purpose. Quite simply it’s to give our members the most up-to-date financial accounts possible.

Let us explain. Until now we’ve held our AGMs early in the year. With them being so early on, we were only able to fully report on the previous year’s finances. In future we’ll hold AGMs in October which means we will be able to report on the most recent finances for the most recent full financial year. Makes more sense really.

Our AGM this Friday 26 October won’t have all the razzmatazz like our first (sequels are rarely better) and it’s only open to members. But order will be restored by our next AGM in October 2019.

You can look at our full financial accounts for 2017/18 online now. And if you’re interested to find out more about our first AGM, you can do that here.

Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew