Refugee Festival Scotland 2015
Refugee Festival Scotland 2015. Photo © Zander Campbell

It’s the final week of Refugee Festival Scotland, and your last chance to get along to some of the many fantastic events on offer. Here is our volunteer media officer Alison’s highlights for this week, including World Refugee Day on Saturday 20 June:


Head to Glasgow University to hear from CARA, an organisation that provides protection to academics at risk. Their event will discuss the work CARA does in assisting academics who are suffering persecution and conflict and are unable to continue their research in their country of origin.


Find out how the British Red Cross along with Scottish Refugee Council have helped over 50 families arrive in Glasgow on Family Reunion visas over the last year. The event, held at the National Piping Centre, will reflect back on the project and discuss the integration challenges faced by the families.


Get along to The Tron Theatre to see the Freedom Theatre company perform The Siege. The company, based in Palestine, has united artists from Britain and Palestine to tell the story inspired by true events of a siege that paralysed Bethlehem and kept thousands under curfew.


Pop over to the Glasgow Woman’s Library for a participatory workshop celebrating international woman across the globe who have helped keep woman and girls safe. The event will give a voice to your thoughts to ongoing campaigns that are trying to improve the lives of asylum seeking woman.


An evening of songs and stories should start your Friday off right at Garnethill Multicultural Centre. The evening showcases the women’s choir of Garnethill Multicultural Centre sing a celebration of female empowerment and cultural diversity.


Spend World Refugee Day with the family at the Southside Souk which will be filled with live music, performers, dancing, world food, and a colourful collection of stalls. Held in the magical Old Barn at Pollok Country Park, the event will celebrate diversity and multiculturalism with proceeds going to the Scottish Refugee Council.


Get sporty in the name of Refuge Festival at the festival football tournament at the Palace of Art in Bellahouston Park. Watch local and refugee communities come together to compete for the trophy at the family friendly event.

For a full listing of our events, check our events page.

Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew