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In the anticipation-packed weeks leading up to Refugee Festival Scotland, Scottish Refugee Council is encouraging people to join a mini-campaign celebrating refugees, particularly with much heated and often ill-informed debate happening around migration.

In fact, refugees have brought so much to Scottish society, enriching our culture and building bonds with local communities, who in turn have often offered great welcomes. You only have to open a Refugee Festival Scotland programme to see the positivity and vibrancy threaded through its many events.

Our three-week festival, starting on 3 June and run in partnership with refugee and community groups, is set to “celebrate a diverse and welcoming Scotland that upholds the rights, protection and dignity of refugees and recognises their positive impact on Scottish cultural life”.

It’s also our 30th anniversary this year and we are commemorating 30 years of working with refugees rebuilding their lives in Scotland.

Deacon BlueRicky Ross and Lorraine McIntosh of Deacon Blue, and Lauren Mayberry from Chvrches, are kicking things off.

Look out for some more familiar faces explaining why they celebrate and stand together in solidarity with refugees – but also please do join in!

We would love you to send your photos in too telling us why you celebrate and support refugees in Scotland. If you’d like to be part of this, print out this PDF, fill in the placard to say why you celebrate refugees, and email it to us. We will share it on social media, or you can share it yourself using the hashtag #RefugeeFestScot.

Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew