Volunteering evening
Volunteer coordinator Gun Orgun talks to STV’s Riverside Show about our volunteering open evening

Post by Gün Orgun, volunteer coordinator at Scottish Refugee Council

Scottish Refugee Council has been busy on social media recently to invite prospective volunteer candidates to our Volunteering Open Evening yesterday, Monday 20 October, and the response was more enthusiastic than we could possibly have imagined.

More than 50 people, diverse in age, nationality and background, showed up at 5 Cadogan Square, keen to give their time freely to support our work by volunteering with us. We couldn’t be more grateful for this expression of support.

I like to say that a volunteer for us is, first and foremost, a supporter of our work, building a better future with refugees in Scotland. The message felt loud and clear yesterday: Glasgow has the will to integrate people seeking international protection amongst us, into our society – and we are happy to put our time where our mouth is…

How can I get involved?

We presented several new volunteer role opportunities at the open evening. To apply for any of these roles, please complete a Volunteer Application Form, and email it to volunteering@scottishrefugeecouncil.org.uk by 5pm on 29 October.

You can also post a copy to Scottish Refugee Council, Volunteer Recruitment, 5 Cadogan Square, Glasgow G2 7PH or bring it round in person if you prefer. We are happy to answer your questions on email or on the phone at 0141 248 9799 (switchboard).

It was great to have such large numbers at our meeting yesterday, but we are aware that we couldn’t give all of you the personal attention that you deserve – please contact us and let us make up for it!

What if I can’t be a volunteer?

We have to be realistic – there is a limit to the number of volunteers we can hope to recruit, train and support at any one time, and still make it a meaningful, productive experience for all concerned. This does mean some applicants will be disappointed, and we will be disappointed alongside them that with 43 members of staff and double that number of volunteers already, we have to keep an eye on our capacity.

Please let it be clear: your application is valued whatever the outcome, and we will be happy to hear from you in future recruitment drives in January, April and July 2015.

There are also other ways to get involved in our work:

•    Write a blog for us about refugee issues (if I can write a blog, you can do it better…).
•    Become a member of Scottish Refugee Council and have a positive impact on refugee issues in Scotland.
•    Attend our training course on the issues and legal systems affecting people seeking safety in Scotland.
•    Invite a refugee speaker to your school, college, community or faith group free of charge, and hear what it’s really like to be a refugee in Scotland.

Other great opportunities

Our volunteering open evening was part of Volunteer Glasgow’s week-long programme of #tryitandsee volunteering drop-in sessions. More than 30 charities across Glasgow are opening their doors this week (Monday 20 – Saturday 25 October) to potential volunteers – have a look at the list and explore – I’m sure they would all enjoy your company as much as we did yesterday.

Once again, thank you.

And before I forget – here’s a wee video of the open evening, can you spot yourself?

SRC YouTube

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Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew