Creative Exchange October 2014

Blog by Suzi Simpson, Arts & Cultural Development Officer at Scottish Refugee Council

Our first ever Creative Skills Exchange group got off to a great start on 30 October with participants boasting an incredible array of skills and talents, from architecture, textiles, painting and music to origami, film-making and hairdressing!  

We were also delighted to have Glasgow-based artist, designer and award-winning film-maker Jan Nimmo as our guest artist. Jan spoke about her experience of film-making and creative activism as well as giving people a taster workshop on creating story-boards for film.

What’s in store for November?

We’re looking forward to welcoming back artists who joined us at our first session, as well as new artists. The next Creative Skills Exchange will take place on Wednesday 26 November from 10am-12.30pm at Scottish Refugee Council’s offices in Glasgow. For more details, click here.

We’re also delighted to have Scottish Book Trust – Scotland’s leading agency for the promotion of literature, reading and writing – attending November’s session to give us a creative writing taster workshop as part of their ‘Stories of Home’ project for Book Week Scotland.

Book Week Scotland runs from Monday 24 – Sunday 30 November 2014.

Join us!

We welcome any artist of any creative discipline, including people from the refugee and asylum seeker community. We want to bring together artists to share their creative skills with others, develop their skills and meet other artists.

If you would like to come along or simply find out more, please email Suzi at  or call 0141 248 9799.

Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew