Rachel and Laura

Meet Rachel and Laura – our new part-time Media and Communications Officer and Digital Communications and Information Officer

Why were you attracted to working with Scottish Refugee Council?

Rachel: “Human rights and the way in which we treat people who are relatively powerless or vulnerable are issues that drive me. When you see the resilience and courage of people who have been through more than we can imagine, despite their sometimes inhumane or thoughtless treatment here, it’s impressive and also inspiring.”

Laura: “I’m one of the newest members of the team here at Scottish Refugee Council. Before this job, I worked in a communications role with an organisation that supports disabled and excluded people to achieve their goals. Scottish Refugee Council helps to make people’s lives better, helping people in real need make Scotland their new home.”

How have your experiences brought you here?

Rachel: “My background is in journalism, especially social and political journalism. I still work as a freelance journalist, writing on issues from food sovereignty in East Africa to statelessness in the Caribbean. At Scottish Refugee Council, I hope to bring to the public some of the amazing stories of bravery – and also, sadly, of oppression and fear – that refugees in Scotland have to tell. I’m interested in how to portray these stories in new and exciting ways that will help people in Scotland understand what refugees face re-building their lives in a new place.”  

Laura: “I’ve travelled a lot, backpacking through some incredible countries. I love travelling, but one thing that really stands out is how important ‘home’ becomes to me when I’m away from Scotland – the place I was born. Through travel I’ve come to understand the saying home is where the heart is.

It’s hard to imagine what it’s like for people who are forced to leave their country, their home, their very heart, because of persecution.

“That’s why I think the work of Scottish Refugee Council is absolutely vital and why I am very pleased to be working here.”

What do you hope to achieve in the job?

Rachel: “There are definitely problems faced by refugees that we as an organisation have to challenge, including a lack of awareness of their human rights, but it’s also important that we highlight the richness of the many cultures that refugees come from, as well as the joy New Scots often bring to communities in Scotland.”

Laura: “Here at Scottish Refugee Council I will be updating the website, blogging, and making sure we’re active on our social media channels: Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. I’ll also be making sure that our information is accessible for everyone.”

If you have any ideas for blog posts or contributors please let us know. Email us your thoughts.

If you’re a journalist looking to cover asylum or refugee stories, you can look at our media page for more information.





Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew