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Open your eyes to refugee destitution in Scotland

With nearly 1500 of you signing our stop destitution petition and over 600 watching our destitution video, a big thank you is definitely in order. 

Thanks to everyone who has supported our destitution campaign  since October.  Our vital campaign urges the UK Government to halt its deliberate policy of making asylum seekers destitute by stopping their support when their claim is refused.

Raising awareness and interest

Your support has helped raise awareness about the destitution people seeking asylum in Scotland face and has even helped us get the issue debated in the Scottish Parliament in November.

Politicians speaking out in support

And a big thanks to the many politicians who have championed our cause and helped to raise awareness.  During the stop destitution debate in the Scottish Parliament, MSP Linda Fabiani raised the issue of refugee destitution, leading the debate with a story about a 52 year old man in her constituency who died after four years of destitution.

Patrick Harvie, leader of the Scottish Green party, Mary Fee MSP and Humza Yousaf, Minister for External Affairs and International Development, also spoke with conviction and passion in support of our campaign.

And thanks to the many others that have been actively helping to raise awareness about our campaign on social media.

Passionate words of support

Many of you who have signed our petition have left passionate messages of support and encouragement including:

  • ‘The human right to live a safe and dignified life is absolute.  The system must be improved.’ – NJ
  • ‘For too long now asylum seekers have not received the necessary help and support. I hope that this petition shows the strength of feeling of residents in the UK’ – LB
  • ‘This is inhuman.  Treat people with respect, help them when they need it and change this law!!’ – CD
  • ‘People seeking asylum come to the UK to find safety. We need to make sure they get it, instead of placing them in an Orwellian system that takes away their rights and their dignity.’ – AB

Harrowing stories – real people

Our campaign has drawn attention to the experiences of real people from countries such as Zimbabwe, Iran and Afghanistan.  All have sought safety in the UK only to be forced into destitution when their asylum claims are delayed or refused and they are unable to return home – often fearing for the lives if they go back.

Forced into a desperate state of limbo, they are left with nothing; no home, no money and no right to work. These people are placed in vulnerable situations, left to sleep on the streets and scrabble for food – ultimately relying on the kindness of churches and charities for a place to eat and sleep at night.

Still more to do in 2013

Admittedly we have achieved so much since we launched our campaign but there is still more work to be done.   Our campaign continues in 2013 until the end of March.

As we move into 2013 we will continue to collect signed petitions so that we can urge the UK Immigration Minister to change the unfair and complicated asylum laws forcing people into destitution.

If you haven’t already, please sign our petition and share it with your friends, colleagues and networks – including on Facebook and Twitter #stopdestitution.

With your continued support we can help stop refugee destitution in Scotland.  A resolution worth making for 2013.

Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew