female volunteer giving thumbs up
Gain skills while giving something back

Whether you want to give something back or to gain skills and experience to help you get a job, volunteering is absolutely the way to go!

Six months ago I started volunteering for Scottish Refugee Council as their blog coordinator, and what I have gained from giving so little of my time is immeasurable.

I would love to stay for another six months but I have taken on the role of Violence against Women Development Officer with another human rights charity.

Where do I start, having gained so much in the last six months?

Scottish Refugee Council really supports and values your contribution as a volunteer. The organisation simply would not be as effective in their work with asylum seekers and refugees in Scotland without us.

The support and encouragement I received from the team as I learned and grew into my role has been fantastic and has given me the confidence to take on other opportunities.  I felt welcomed and quickly became part of the team here!


The skills and experience I have gained over the last months are invaluable.  I have learned more about the asylum process and the lives of refugees than I could from any amount of studying.

As a volunteer you can attend any of the training courses provided by Scottish Refugee Council – giving you fantastic opportunity to improve your knowledge and transferable skills and freshen up your CV.

To our blog followers

It has been a privilege to share my thoughts with all of you over the last six months and I have loved reading all of your great responses to my blog posts. I know that the next blogger will have lots of fresh ideas to get you all thinking about issues affecting Scotland’s refugees.

Not goodbye, it’s speak soon

I will definitely be keeping in touch with everyone at Scottish Refugee Council and will continue to give my time whenever I can.  I’m already looking forward to volunteering at next year’s Refugee Week Scotland events!

And remember �� a good deed, however small, can have a BIG impact!

“How far that little candle throws his beams – so shines a good deed in a naughty world” Shakespeare, ‘The Merchant of Venice’, Act 5, Scene I.

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Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew