vickie s running schedule
My high-tech route planner kept me on track.

On Monday 7 May I embarked on a challenge – to run seven 10ks in seven days. 70 kilometres later, on Sunday 13 May, I crossed the finish line of the Glasgow Women’s 10k – I’d done it!

Exploring Glasgow – one run at a time

Each 10k was run in a different part of Glasgow and visited a venue or group that is involved in Refugee Week Scotland 2012.

  • On Monday I finished at Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum and found out about the exciting array of activities that make up their Refugee Week Celebrating Women event.
  • On Tuesday I met with the seven women (and two of their boys) who are leading the My Glasgow: Walking Tours. A special thank you has to be made to 5-year old Titi who very enthusiastically shared the reasons why he likes Glasgow.
  • On Wednesday I met with Remzije at Maryhill Integration Network and found out about the plethora of inspiring events they are involved in for this year’s festival. I was even joined on this run by Belinda from Ankur Productions who filled me in on the exciting Ankur Ha Ha preparations for their Refugee Week Tron show.
  • On Thursday I chatted with Scottish Refugee Council’s Suzi about the exciting variety of events making up this year’s Refugee Week programme. Suzi even ran with me – completing her first ever 10k!
  • On Friday I visited Cranhill Development Trust and chatted to two of the performers from Playing With Food, who filled me in on how rehearsals were going and revealed a few plotlines of what sounds like a very entertaining show.
  • On Saturday I popped into St Mungo Museum and met with the Curious Project volunteers who are going to be taking over the museum in a number of fascinating ways for their Refugee Week celebration.
  • And finally, on Sunday I ran with thousands of other women in the women’s 10k.

Totally inspiring and energising

Meeting all these people who are working hard to create events that celebrate community, cultural diversity and the contributions refugees make to Scotland was totally inspiring. It was fascinating to find out more about the projects and to meet an array of passionate, dedicated and courageous people. I was proud to be running in my Refugee Week T-shirt.

A hearty thanks

Thank you to all of the groups I visited on my way – you’ve got my excitement for Refugee Week soaring high and I can’t wait to see the end results.

I also want to say a huge thank you to all of the generous people who have sponsored me and showed up to support me throughout the week. I reached my fundraising target! Your generosity has been amazing and it has made all the running worthwhile. You are brilliant.

Thank you.

Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew