Welcome sign on desk  c. Jenny Wicks
A cruel welcome

Hello everyone!

I’m Kayleigh Thorpe, the new Volunteer Blog Coordinator at Scottish Refugee Council. I’ll be working closely with our Policy and Communications team to make sure we have all the latest updates featuring in our blogs.  If you have any great ideas or want to contribute to our blogs, please email me or call 0141 248 9799.

Keeping you up-to-date

I liaise with people across the organisation and will be blogging about what we’ve been up to, events and more.  Of course, I’ll also highlight important issues affecting the lives of refugees and asylum seekers in Scotland.

Strong passion for human rights

Currently I’m studying human rights law MSc at the University of Strathclyde. I always questioned how the legislation affects people and whether there’s enough protection provided for modern day human rights. The two areas I’m most passionate about are the protection of women’s rights and asylum and immigration – two groups that require the greatest level of protection yet are all too often left vulnerable.

Having such a strong passion for human rights, I am very happy to be joining Scottish Refugee Council and aim to raise awareness about refugees and asylum seekers in Scotland.

I have so much respect for the work that happens in organisations like the Scottish Refugee Council and I’m proud to be able to volunteer some of my time to support them in any way I can. 

A more interactive blog– we want to here from you

In my work with Scottish Refugee Council I’d really like to achieve a more interactive blog environment. Lots of you read and enjoy our blog and it would be great to hear your thoughts.  So, don’t be shy!  Share your thoughts and experiences with us by commenting at the end of any of the blogs we post.

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Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew