money in hands  c. Jenny Wicks
Set at around £5 per day, asylum support is too low for asylum seekers to meet their basic living needs.

RCOs – helping people to rebuild their lives

Take my word for it – Refugee Community Groups (RCOs) work  flat-out for their communities.  I know – I’ve had the pleasure of working closely with two for the past six months: Eritrean Community Residing in Scotland (ECRS) and Cameroonian Association and Sympathisers in Scotland (CAMASS).

Often these groups work with some of the most disadvantaged communities – but they’re always rich in people and determination.

Their work is broad and can include everything from organising events, drop-ins or information sessions for  members, to raising the public’s and policy makers’ awareness about issues affecting refugees. 

And the importance of RCOs cannot be underestimated.  These vital organisations bring people together allowing them to begin rebuilding their lives, share experiences and problems – and empowers them to create solutions.

Learning from one another

We work with a wide range of RCOs in Scotland at our workshops –  our programme of events helps them to develop skills to take their projects forward successfully.  Learning is a mutual experience – we also learn a lot from organisations working in completely creative ways. And on a personal note, meeting all these wonderful people from around the world greatly broadens my world knowledge.

It’s hugely satisfying to see people work so diligently, build relationships and create opportunities for their communities.  And I’m looking forward to the upcoming workshops.

Support your Refugee Community Organisation – learn new skills

Come to our free ‘money management for your organisation’ workshop on 7 March, at the more convenient time of 6:00 – 8.30pm.

We’ll be looking at:

  • The importance accurate book keeping for future funding applications;
  • The responsibilities of the Committee in managing money;
  • Committee and treasurer working effectively together;
  • General financial terms; and
  • Problem-solving.


Come along and build your skills in a supportive environment – share ideas, talk about problems and work towards finding solutions with other RCOs and our helpful staff. 

Hope to see you there!

Find out more about our workshops and book your place

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Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew