Group of runners
What will you do in 2012?

2012 got off to a great start as our Protection Appeal finished up at the end of January and with your support we were able to raise an impressive
£14 725.  Fantastic, but only the beginning of what we can do in 2012!

February means the holiday season is officially over. It’s a brand new year full of opportunity and promise to make 2012  bigger and even better. 

Putting my best foot forward for refugees in Scotland

I know it’s a cliché but I’m one of those people who at the beginning of January sets out a list of resolutions that I want to fulfil during the year.  However for 2012, I only have one – to run a marathon in aid of Scottish Refugee Council.  A full 26.2 miles – how hard can it be right? 

To kick start my training I’ve signed up for the Paris Half Marathon.  On Sunday 4 March I, along with around 22,500 runners, will be pounding the street of Paris.  For me it will be a step towards my attempt to run a full marathon in autumn to raise vital funds towards our work helping refugees and people seeking asylum in Scotland.  I’ll be updating you later on in the year with my sponsorship efforts for the Marathon.

Motivated to make a difference

The training, especially dragging myself out of bed on a Saturday morning, is hard going.  But the one thing that’s keeping me motivated is the difference I’ll be making to refugees in Scotland.   It makes it all worth it.

Get involved

So why not join me and bring on 2012 with a new challenge.  Whether it is the Women’s 10k in May, the Men’s 10k in June, the Paris half marathon in March, or the Great Scottish Run in September, you can run in aid of Scottish Refugee Council and set up your own online sponsorship page (such as that allows people to donate to your cause easily and securely.   Or you can always use our print sponsorship form, available on our website.

And  of course not only will you improve your fitness but your efforts will help raise vital funds to allow us to continue providing vital services, information and advice to refugees in Scotland. Win, win!

Here to help

Runs take place throughout the year and you can find the full list on the Scottish Running Guide website. Whichever one you sign up to, we’re here to provide the help and support you need to get you across the finish line with a big smile on your face.  Our handy online Fundraising Guide provides great tips or you can always get in touch with us by phoning 0141 248 9799 or emailing us.

So, what will you do?

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Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew