holding hands
Working together for refugees in Scotland

Strengthening our voice, raising awareness and providing advice

We’re thrilled to be working with Radio Kilimanjaro on a regular radio show highlighting issues facing refugees and asylum seekers in Scotland. You’ll hear from staff from across our organisation who will be providing insight about what they do and offering advice.

The show will be broadcast, via the web, on the first and third Wednesday of every month at 12 noon. Check out the Radio Kilimanjaro website to learn how to tune in.

The programme aims to provide information about the complex asylum process, settling in Scotland as a refugee as well as providing answers to the common questions that come up from the thousands of people that pass through our doors every year.

Radio Kilimanjaro: a leading source of information for African communities and refugees in Glasgow

With listeners in Glasgow and beyond, Radio Kilimanjaro has become known as the leading Afro-Caribbean information hub for African communities, refugees and asylum seekers in the city.  

Established two years ago the radio’s Kim and Grace Show was an award winner this year’s Refugee Week Scotland Media Awards.

When I spoke to the radio station manager Guy Ngansi he explained that Radio Kilimanjaro was the first of its kind in Scotland and was established to help build the confidence of the African communities in Scotland who may not feel a part of the wider society.  It has also created jobs for the African community in Scotland within radio. Excitingly, they now have plans to reach out to more online audiences in other areas of Scotland.

Tune in to stay informed

Our Chief Executive John Wilkes and our Women’s  Community Development Officer Fiona Ballantyne have already taken to the airways and will soon be joined by other staff across our organisation. 

So join us on the first and third Wednesday of every month at 12 noon to get advice and hear about issues impacting refugees in Scotland. Check out the Radio Kilimanjaro website and how to tune in here.

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Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew