Chi and Jamie
Chi My Ta and Jamie McIntosh, our new fundraising and supporters team

I recently joined Scottish Refugee Council as the new Head of Funding Development. You might ask, what exactly does my role involve? Well, my job is to raise funds for the important and vital work we undertake every day to help and support refugees and asylum seekers in Scotland.

Making a difference in the lives of asylum seekers and refugees

But I’m not alone! I’m joined by Jamie McIntosh, our new Trusts and Supporters Officer. We’ve only been here a few weeks, and already we’re both hearing and seeing the huge difference Scottish Refugee Council makes in the lives of the thousands of refugees and asylum seekers who walk through our door every year. 

Besides providing crucial advice and assistance, so often our staff are a source of reassurance as people are confronted with one of the most challenging times in their lives and are forced to struggle through a complicated asylum process, as well as adjust to being in a strange new country.

Helping people to make sense of a complicated and intimidating asylum process

More recently I attended our ‘Introduction to Working with Asylum Seekers and Refugees’  course delivered by our Training and Events Officer, Jamie Spurway. This one day course, which I thoroughly recommend, covers a number of things including an insightful and highly informative overview of the current UK asylum process. 

What immediately struck me when learning about the asylum process is just how incredibly confusing, complex and intimidating it is. 

Many of the people we meet have been forced to flee from unimaginable situations of war, torture or persecution to come to Scotland to seek a place of sanctuary where they can be protected.  Instead they are faced with a system that is cruelly unfair, unjust and can even force people into situations of utter destitution.    

That’s why the services we deliver are so crucial. We support people through and help them make sense of the UK’s asylum process.  For those who are granted refugee status we’re here to help with the daunting journey of rebuilding their life in a new country. 

Not only that we listen to what refugees and asylum seekers say, provide them with a voice and use this to influence policy makers.

Our supporters make our work possible – so please get involved!

All this is made possible with the generosity of our supporters.

Over the coming months Jamie and I will be working on different ways of reaching more people and encouraging individuals, organisations and companies to help raise more funds for our work.  So watch this space!

If you want to get behind our work through making a donation, organising a fundraising event or by sharing a fundraising idea with me, then please get in touch by email, or call 0141 248 9799 and ask for myself or Jamie McIntosh. 

Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew