holding hands
Working together for refugees in Scotland

Whoa – what a busy but fantastic few weeks we’ve had! 

August is proving to be just as lively as we start up our free money management courses for refugees; speak at the ‘Fit for Purpose’ panel discussion about women in detention at the Fringe; offer insight about age assessment and get ready for our upcoming training courses that kicks off in September.

And not to forget – 28 July marked the 60th anniversary of the signing of the UN Refugee Convention – we joined with Deaf Connections to release a British Sign Language (BSL) version of our film Courage – the documentary that amazed audiences during Refugee Week.


Continue to celebrate the Refugee Convention – share Courage year round

We’re hoping that the BSL version of Courage has as much success as our highly acclaimed Refugee Week version, which in less than two months has attracted over 2100 views!   Since its release on 28 July, our British Sign Language version has already gained over 100 views. Let’s keep those numbers growing!

Of course none of this would have been possible without the continued support and enthusiasm show by our incredible supporters.  Each time we’ve asked you to share this wonderful film, you have eagerly responded in droves – and for that, we thank you.

Please continue to share both versions of this inspirational and informative film throughout the year!

Tell us what you think

For any of you that have watched our film Courage, we’d love to hear what you think.  Why not take a few minutes to complete our short online survey!

A huge thanks – your support makes the work we do possible

More recently our new Head of Funding Development Chi My Ta talked openly about her role and why donations are so important to ensuring we’re able to continue helping asylum seekers and refugees in Scotland.

There’s a variety of ways to support our work; we’ve had terrific support from students at Springburn Academy who raised money through a coffee morning and more recently a few energetic supporters have committed to running for donations in the upcoming Great Scottish Run half marathon.  Good luck!

But whether it’s through donating, volunteering or even starting a campaign, it’s all vital to our ability to offer support and advice – and is hugely appreciated.

Stay informed about our work and latest projects

Our newsletter is packed with activity and is a fantastic way to stay connected to the work we’re doing and learn about upcoming projects, training and different areas of our work.  So if you haven’t already, sign up!

And don’t forget another great way you can support our work, interact with us and stay up-to-date is to join us on Facebook or follow us on twitter @scotrefcouncil!  


Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew