Vox Asylum16
Vox Asylum was one of many performances

I’m still basking in the afterglow of the Refugee Week Scotland launch – what an event.   On Monday, Glasgow’s Tron Theatre hosted the well-attended event, a true spectacle celebrating refugee lives, their achievements and the 60th anniversary of the UN Refugee Convention.

Refugee Convention – 60 years onward, still saving lives

More has been achieved since its creation in 1951, but more remains to be done – everyday the world still faces many unsolved crisis.  More recent events have caused the displacement of hundreds of people, abandoning their belongings and properties; fleeing their home countries and seeking sanctuaries elsewhere around the world.

Despite the signature of UN Refugee Conventions, supported by many countries, unfortunately people’s human rights still continue to be restricted and abused in certain areas of the world. The unsettled situations in Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Libya and Syria have put the world in difficult state.   

The Refugee Convention is as important today as it was 60 years ago and it continues to save lives around the world – it offers sanctuary and protection to people who are persecuted in their own countries and are forced to flee all they know.

Scottish Government – welcomes new Scots, including refugees

But for people seeking sanctuary in Scotland, despite an extremely difficult and harsh asylum process may except to have peace of mind because the Scottish Government  welcomes those seeking sancutuary in Scotland and considers refugees an important part of Scottish society.

Refugee film Courage – inspires and informs

The short film Courage, which was launched at Refugee Week Scotland’s opening event, highlights the importance of the Convention and provides insight from  two refugees from different generations who share their experiences about coming to live in Scotland.  The film was the perfect addition to a wonderful eveing – offering insight into refugee’s experiences and hope for the future.

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Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew