Rosa and Christian web
Rosa and Christian showing great courage c. Rana Ali

Today, June 20, Scottish Refugee Council released a short film called Courage for 60th anniversary of the UN Refugee Convention.  The film was made by six refugees in association with Media Co-op.  It will be screened across Scotland during Refugee Week 2011.

60 years of the UN Refugee Convention – still saving lives

60 years onward, people’s lifestyles have changed – some human rights have developed and the definition of many words has expanded.  Despite all of the human rights aspects, which are growing like branches of a tree and cover many features of life, the Refugee Convention is still needed to help many people who are seeking refuge after fleeing all sorts of persecutions in their own countries.

Courage, building a better understanding about refugees

This Refugee Week film Courage strives to connect two different generations and explains why refugees are here. It aims to build better understanding of the Second World War, which affected many lives in last century.  It also explains the situation at present that appears in different forms of persecution happening in various countries.

Rosa and Christian – displaying great courage

Rosa and Christian, who are featured in the film courage, are two refugees fleeing from war who have both have settled in Glasgow – but in different times. Rosa and her generation’s story, more than 60 years ago, were a reason for signing the Refugee Convention.  Now, after all those years the Convention has protected the lives of many people who have fled their homeland because of the persecution, torture, and fear of death.

In Courage Rosa gives a welcoming message to Christian as a young refugee who now lives in his new home and wants to be involved in his community.

Still the need to protect and offer refuge

The film Courage raises awareness and sends the message that Britain has signed this Convention voluntarily – and unfortunately there are still countries that do not respect human rights.  The demand for the protection of human rights and the need to offer refugee to those forced to flee their countries because of persecution remains today.

Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew