Carlos Arredondo
Photographer Ian Berry, Carlos Arredondo in Edinburgh Botanic Gardens

Thursday 2nd June marked the launch of 60 Years, 6 Lives, an exhibition of photgraphs by Ian Berry (Magnum), commissioned by UNHCR, at Trongate 103 in Glasgow. The exhibiition celebrates 60 years of the UN Refugee Convention. 

Six lives rebuilt

The concept behind the exhibition was to chronicle the lives of six refugees who came to the UK; one refugee’s life displayed per decade of the last 60 years. The exhibition took familiar family scenes as well as some more intimate portraits showing off that individual’s flair for music, teaching or other aspects of their personality and brought them to the observer as undoubtedly successful stories of integration.


It is these positive scenes of normality and success; of giving back to the community and of hope and determination that unfortunately do not often make their way into the mainstream press to inform a balanced view of what life is like as a refugee.

Indeed, it is ironic that on the same day that these beautiful photographs are exhibited to show how much good has been done over the last 60 years and to demonstrate that the Refugee Convention really has stood the test of time; the mainstream media headlines are full of rhetoric denigrating the asylum process.


I had the privilege of meeting Carlos Arredondo, who features in the exhibition; having fled from Chile to the UK in 1974. Carlos maintained that “Scotland is still a very good place to rebuild your life” and said that Scottish people had been very “warm and receptive” to him when he first arrived.

Carlos was keen to point out to me the photograph of his daughter playing the fiddle. It made me think about how much he has strived to be a part of Scottish culture, his passion for music having been a cornerstone of this. We should be proud to have inherited such an inspired mind.

60 Years, 6 Lives an exhibition by Ian Berry of Magnum Photos, commissioned by the UNHCR, runs at Trongate 103 until July 1st.


Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew