Patience with Alex Salmond
Patience meeting Alex Salmond and Alex Ferguson

The moments that shape our lives

There are moments in your life that you know will stay with you forever. They don’t have to be huge but they affect you, lodge themselves in your memory.

Amazing experiences of extraordinary people

This year for Refugee Week I, along with our volunteer Hannah Millar, worked on producing an exhibition called Refugee Stories for the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum. It focuses on the lives of three refugees who have rebuilt their lives here in Scotland. Henry, 88 a Jewish refugee who arrived here in 1939 on Kindertransport, Carlos from Chile who arrived in 1974 and patience from Zimbabwe who arrived in 2008. 

As I listened to their life stories I felt so privileged to hear about their experiences and the lives they have created in Scotland.  Henry’s encounters with the MI5 officer leading to his freedom from the internment camp; Carlos’s work with the Chilean Solidarity Campaign and his music and poetry leading him to appear on Rab C Nesbit; Patience’s work in the community, becoming a ‘Face to watch in the Future’ and meeting Scotland’s First Minister Alex Salmond.  They all told these stories with honesty and a humility that was compelling, captured on film for the exhibition.

An exciting exhibition – worth seeing!

And these are only some of the examples of all the fascinating experiences they’ve had in their varied lives. So get down to the Kelvingrove to check out this amazing and eclectic exhibition. From World War II Red Cross letters to Chilean Armadillo guitars, it won’t disappoint. 

The exhibition opens Saturday 28 May and closes 2 July.

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Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew