Locked door
Serco will issue lock change notices and evict women, men and children from their homes

The Court of Session in Edinburgh is currently hearing from individuals affected by Serco’s lock change notices. 

Two hearings are scheduled. One today and one tomorrow (8 Feb). We expect a judgement from the Court within the next month.

Scottish Refugee Council’s Chief Executive Sabir Zazai said:

“Lock changes are effectively summary evictions and we don’t believe this is compatible with Scottish housing law. People must have recourse to due process through the courts and we don’t believe that someone’s immigration status should affect how the law in Scotland is applied. 

“We hope the Court of Session will set out principles that the Home Office and its contractors should follow when housing vulnerable people.

“Imminent loss of your home is terrifying and the consequences of homelessness are grave.The approach taken by the Home Office so far has failed as it leaves people whose asylum claims have been refused facing homelessness and destitution. 

“The Home Office can no longer ignore people in this situation. People need somewhere safe to move on to if and when they leave asylum accommodation. There are a number of move-on options that have been repeatedly suggested to the Home Office and their contractors that would avoid the need for evictions. 

“We hope the Court remembers that people in this situation have already lost their homes and much more and are carrying huge amounts of grief and loss with them along with their hope and need for protection in Scotland.”

Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew