Courage c.Angela Catlin
Rosa and Christian feature in Courage, our Refugee Week film

Courage: impactful and impressive in just 160 seconds

A lot can change in two minutes – or at least that’s what we’ve found from the continued support and success of our Refugee Week Scotland film Courage

This remarkable two-minute documentary celebrates 60 years of the Refugee Convention conveyed through the stories of two refugees – Rosa Sacharin, a Jewish refugee from Nazi Germany, and Christian Kasubandi, who fled Democratic Republic of Congo as a teenager.   

It all started with as an idea and was brought to life by Media Co-op and six dynamic individuals living in Scotland – some who now have refugee status and some who are still going through the asylum process.

Shown in 172 venues in the UK and over 2500 views on YouTube

Released on June 20, the first day of Refugee Week 2011, Courage has been seen by nearly 3000 people in 172 venues across the UK during our week-long festival, and has attracted over 2500 views on YouTube to date.

Cinemas, arts centres, schools, shopping centres and local authorities across Scotland screened the film and other organisations like Amnesty International Scotland have shown this amazing little film on their website.

Courage goes global

Exactly four months onward today, Courage continues to attract attention and support in Scotland and beyond!   A few highlights include:

Celebrate with us at CCA

Tonight is the opening night of Document 9’s International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival at CCA in Glasgow – and their extensive programme also includes a screening and discussion about Courage on Saturday 22 October at GMAC, 2:30-3:30pm.  We hope to see you there!

Thanks to you!

Of course none of this would have been possible without the continued support and enthusiasm show by our incredible supporters.  Please continue to share both versions of this inspirational and informative film throughout the year!

Find out what people are saying about courage and have your say!

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Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew