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Scottish Refugee Council wishes everyone a Merry Christmas, and gives you a little to think about during the festive season.

Blog by Jack Tannock, Media Volunteer

Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, Joyeux Noel and a warm season’s greetings. Christmas time is upon us again and at this time of year we like to embrace a thing called the ‘Christmas Spirit’. What the Christmas Spirit actually is is difficult to define and the more cynical among us would say that these days it amounts to nothing more than rampant commercialism. But many more choose to believe otherwise. Even in a secular society where most do not belong to, or don’t practise, the Christian faith we choose to embrace these ideals of peace and goodwill to all men and perhaps a belief in faith, hope and charity. At this time of year we should remember those less fortunate than ourselves and that we are so fortunate compared to the suffering of others.

Good will to all 

But what of those who live on the margins of society? In particular the many asylum seekers who come here to escape torture, oppression or worse and yet still face discrimination, prejudice or a struggle for acceptance?

That is not to say that there aren’t many success stories for those who have arrived here seeking a better life. There are so many examples of people who have thrived and achieved great things! But there are still many who are returned to misery by an unfair system or left in destitution here in this country. Warm thoughts and kind words are noble and good and are to be strongly encouraged…

But these things alone will not change our society nor make the country a fairer, more accepting place to live. Actions speak louder than words, as the saying goes and if we want to embrace the true spirit of Christmas then we must all work hard, and work together for a better society and a better future for everyone – and not give up until we have achieved this and nothing less than this.

… And a Happy New Year

The New Year will soon be upon us and let us start it on in positive tone. Let us reject the politics of fear and division peddled by certain politicians. Let us reject an unfair system that often punishes or humiliates those who are already victims. Let us reject unjust and improper practices by those in positions of power towards those who have committed no crime and seek only a better life. Let us reject biased, untruthful and prejudiced reporting by the media on this issue.

2014 will be an historic year for Scotland with the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow and a certain referendum coming up in September. Whatever the outcome of that decision let us take this opportunity, while the eyes of the world are upon us, to speak up for the voiceless and embrace a society where freedom and justice is for everyone with tolerance, acceptance and respect for all mankind.

With this in mind… A little bird told me that there will be some volunteering positions opening up at the Scottish Refugee Council in the New Year.

After all, these things are for life, not just for Christmas…

Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew