Home Office  Going Home  1  4
Insensitive posters in Home Office building in Glasgow

Blog by Mette Nielsen, Digital Communications Officer

As far as the public knew, they were in it from the beginning. The Liberal Democrats are part of the Coalition Government, which created the shocking Home Office’ ‘Go Home’ campaign in London and Glasgow. The campaign with vans and posters with the message that ‘illegal immigrants’ simply should just leave the country: The Lib Dems were compliant in it

Or so most people think.

The front page of Monday’s edition of The Herald states that the Liberal Democrats vow to scrap the campaign. There will be no more vans. No more posters. So promised Scottish Secretary, Michael Moore at the Liberal Democrat’s convention in Glasgow this weekend.

Never the bad guys?

I took the opportunity at a lunch-fringe-meeting during the conference to talk to Suzanne Fletcher – one of the founders of the relatively new group Liberal Democrats for Seekers of Sanctuary about the “change” from bad to good guys.

Here’s what she said:

“We were absolutely appalled when we saw the campaign, and we were distressed to find that people think that we are a part of it. The Liberal Democrats weren’t even told of the campaigns before they were launched – much less asked for their opinions.”

Admirable aims

The fringe meeting was an opportunity for the Liberal Democrats for Seekers of Sanctuary to show their fellow Lib Dems what the group is all about. LD4SOS, as it is shortened, was established in 2012, and they believe (and work for) Asylum seekers should be treated with compassion, humanity and dignity. Quite admirable aims.

And quite far from hanging up posters about going home.

From the first time the van drove around London back in the summer, the group has been demanding the withdrawal of the campaign.

“All the campaign has done is upset people,” says Fletcher and continues:

“It is stupid and inefficient. It’s not targeting the “right people” – the people who encourage others to immigrate illegally to the UK; the people who tell others that they can find good jobs if only they go here. The traffickers and the gang lords. Those are the people we should campaign against,” said Suzanne Fletcher.

The power behind

As the Scottish Secretary, Michael More should have the power to put an end to the campaign. He also has the support of Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg.

But question is: If the Liberal Democrats really weren’t asked to begin with, or even told about the campaign, do they really have the power to see it pulled?

We wait for action – but meanwhile we do welcome their welcoming attitude and intention!


Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew