PhotographyProject2012 girl with camera
A photography project that lets your spirit shine

Do you like to be in front of the camera?

I didn’t and never thought an image of me could be interesting – or at least tell a story! But I have changed my mind and I hope you will too.

The why and the what

I came from Berlin to Glasgow to do an internship with the Scottish Refugee Council three months ago.  As an intern with the Policy and Communications team I’ve had the chance to learn more about why people have to flee their countries of origin, what kind of obstacles they face during the asylum process and how sometimes we as citizens of secure European countries think negatively of people seeking asylum – even though these people must go through so much trouble and show so much bravery to even get here.

The Spirit Project

Besides trying to learn as much as possible, my main job as an intern has been to help organise the Spirit Project, which will provide a platform for voices of refugees and asylum seekers through art-based photography.

When I first heard about the Project back in Germany it sounded really interesting to me. And even more appealing because I thought I would be safely behind the scenes at an office desk creating timelines, preparing meetings, contacting people – no danger of me getting in front of a camera. But with project management you never know what’s going to happen.

Suddenly there was an offer for a trial lesson of photography for a selection of Scottish Refugee Council staff.  And there I was – in front of a camera and scared.

But I must admit that thanks to the workshop I now definitely know and fully appreciate how much courage the Spirit Project will ask people to muster to step in front of the camera and allow others to capture them on film. 

Telling a story in a unique and interesting way

But I want to offer some reassurance because looking at the photos at the end of the workshop I took part in I can see how much an image can tell – and I recognise the impact it can potentially have on those looking at it.  And this is what makes me so certain about the great potential of the Spirit Project to open people’s minds. Every image will show a unique spirit – and tell a interesting story.

Show us your spirit!

I am so happy to be able to follow the whole process of the Spirit Project, even when I’m back in Germany, because from February onward Spirit will be sharing videos and images on its own website.  And so can you because fantastically in June the Spirit Project will invite  you, your family, your friends and everyone else to share their spirit via videos on the site.

I hope to see you there when I check in on the website!

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Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew